Fuel, electricity, and natural gas price API

The API provides data on retail fuel prices in 130 countries, electricity prices in 150 countries, and natural gas prices in 50 countries. The fuel price data are collected on a weekly basis and the electricity and natural gas price data are collected quarterly. You can learn more about our sources and methods as well as our clients and media presence.

API access to our data via XML

After registering, select countries to obtain an XML link. The link can be placed in your system to download our data to your machine. The API gives access to:
    Fuel prices:
    - national average gasoline and diesel prices in local currency in 130 countries
    - gasoline and diesel prices in 250 cities globally
    - LPG, kerosene, heating oil, methane and ethanol prices in about 45 countries
    - crude oil prices: Brent, WTI, OPEC basket
    - world average gasoline and diesel prices using countries petroleum consumption as weights
    Fuel price forecast:
    - Gasoline and diesel price forecasts for each of the next 24 months for 80 countries. The forecasts are updated monthly with the latest oil price developments, national fuel price series, and updates on fuel market policies. More information about the forecasts is available on the forecast page.
    Electricity prices:
    - households: seven data points calculated at the average annual household consumption of electricity and at 25%, 50%, 75%, 150%, 200% and 300% of the average consumption level in 150 countries
    - businesses: four data points at 30,000 kWh, 150,000 kWh, 1,000,000 kWh, and 7,500,000 kWh annual consumption in 150 countries
    Natural gas prices:
    - households: three data points per country at 5,500 kWh, 30,000 kWh, and 100,000 kWh annual natural gas consumption in 50 countries
    - businesses: four data points at 100,000 kWh, 1,000,000 kWh, 10,000,000 kWh, and 100,000,000 kWh annual natural gas consumption in 50 countries
Subscription cost

The cost depends on whether you need access to fuel, electricity and/or natural gas prices; the number of countries; and whether you need data updates and/or historical data. Please contact us for details and a quote.

Free trial

You can start a two-week free trial to determine if the data feed would be useful to you. The free trial gives you access to the latest fuel prices and to electricity and natural gas prices from two quarters ago. Please contact us if you would like a free trial.

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